Ukraine flag with dove and world
Picture of Julia S. Ledford

Julia S. Ledford

Prayer for Ukraine

Prayer for the crisis in Ukraine and in the world:

Holy God, our Father who loves us like a mother, Jesus said that not even a sparrow falls without your awareness. You are keenly in tune with all our joys and all our sufferings. We are never apart from your presence, even in the midst of suffering.

We are witnessing suffering like we have not seen in our lifetime, though our lives came into being in the wake of wars. So much of what we believe seems impotent in the face of such horrendous evil. We need our faith stabilized and renewed day by day.

So, teach us again about faith in the face of wickedness, like the Israelites faced in Egypt as slaves for 400 years, like the African slaves, the Native Americans, the Jews—like people have suffered from time immemorial and that sadly continues today.

Remind us of your promises for deliverance for all who call on your name. Ukrainians have called and are calling on your name. Some prayed in the snow on their knees before the violence began, and they continue to pray. This is our hour to kneel with them in true and relevant faith. Teach them and us to believe truth and pray aright. Hear our prayers, O Lord.

Help them and us to find courage to trust that this life is not the life to be treasured and held onto, but the Eternal Life is your supreme gift. Help us to be willing to deny ourselves, take up whatever struggle we need to, in order for wrongs to be righted and others to be rescued, helped and restored as you did for us in our salvation.

We hold in our hearts all who hear, see and feel the devastations of war and conflict, all who are under the threat of extreme cruelty, all who are in the throes of horror and devastation, all who have lost loved ones, are separated from families, children and parents, wives and husbands, mothers, babies, siblings, cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends.

child holding sign, "pray for ukraine"

For those who are dispersed far and wide, lead them to safe haven among those with hearts of hospitality and places of sanctuary. Help people in surrounding countries to have compassion on the fleeing hordes, to forgive years of hostility and hatred, and reach out with welcome and hospitality to those in need. Thank you for those who are already extending selfless compassion to the refugees.

Protect those who are fleeing from further evil. Let them all find safety, help and hope. In time, Lord, fulfill your promises of deliverance and restoration. Send forth power from unexpected quarters to rescue, renew and protect the land of Ukraine and all its natural resources and beautiful places.

Raise up those who will work against the Russian aggressors and turn this evil against those who have propagated such horror; and let this crime sicken the hearts of people and ultimately lead to the defeat of communism and punitive government leadership in Russia and throughout Asia, into all the world. May all the work to bring democracy to those lands sparkle in the minds and hearts of Russian citizens until they drive this evil from their nation once and for all.

May the time come when we will all beat our tanks and guns into agricultural and gardening tools to feed and bless the world, as you have promised (Isaiah 2:4). In the name of Jesus Christ, The Light of the World, Amen.

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