woman kneeling in prayer
Picture of Julia S. Ledford

Julia S. Ledford

Unanswered Prayer

I have waited a long time

I prayed with hope, prayed with faith,

Prayed with words sublime

But, thus far the answers have not come.

I have prayed a long time

I waited in confidence,

Believed God’s Word is true

Trusted with heart, soul and mind

But, thus far nothing has been done.

Jesus said, as you have believed,

So will it be done for you.

So, did I believe too little?

Or too late?

Lord, help Thou my unbelief.

I have prayed a long time

What blocks the answers?

Why does it delay?

How can my deep yearnings come to rest?

Is the answer really so simple?

Wait and trust in what God does best?

Or is it a need to repent?

Is there a level of humility yet to be reached?

A depth of soul waiting to be plumbed,

To straighten at long last what has been bent

To listen more closely to what has been said

To finally and completely succumb only to Love

And to want no more and wait no more.

I have waited a long time.

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