It has been said that home is where the heart is;
But home is where you are welcomed, wanted
And treated with respect.
It is where you have freedom to be, to grow,
And to know this—
That wherever you roam, whatever you do,
At home your place is kept.
Perfect ones do not live there
But imperfect ones find grace there.
Home is where work and words matter
But mercy is what shows.
Home is where love grows and forgiveness flows.
Home is where hope is offered and grace shows.
Those with closed hearts don’t find
The door to what love may share;
But those who love, know that home is there
Because there are those who care.
Not everyone finds home as a restful haven
And a safe place to sleep;
But those who do have a home to keep.
Can one fully appreciate the wonder of home
As long as they are without and alone?
Whether brief or long, the loss of home runs deep.
When found again, so is the joy that bursts out with a shout.
Home is where I am not out, but in, to keep.
Home is here where love begins
And never ends.