Picture of Julia S. Ledford

Julia S. Ledford

“Viral” Prayer for Our Times

Lord God of All, revealed so clearly in the life and love of Jesus, we are like his early disciples in our tendency to jump to conclusions and even panic. Like they reacted in the furious storm on the boat with Jesus, we fear for our safety and lives, and that of our loved ones and friends (Matthew 8:23-27). While Jesus slept in the stern of the boat, they were growing in frantic despair and incredulous confusion at his complete calm assurance in such dangerous conditions. They could not fathom how anyone could have that level of trust in God and complete abandonment to His care and His will. It confounds us too.

They were even more amazed when he asked them, “Why are you afraid?” We understand, and we are afraid in our situation today!  We are facing a global pandemic that has come upon the whole earth very quickly and is expanding at an alarming rate, coming closer and closer to our own doorsteps. In their situation, their outcries reached your heart and the storm was stilled with but a word of command from Jesus. They were humbled by the power of your presence and command, exclaiming, “Who is this that even the wind and seas obey?”

We long for your word of command to end this crisis today, while you long for us to live by that level of trust that Jesus exemplified. Help us take a deep breath, remember your lovingkindness that has brought all crises to resolution eventually, and trust our lives into your care. Your Word declares, “Underneath are the Everlasting Arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27). Lend the aid of Your Spirit to help us trust your everlasting and steadfast love that cares for us now and through all Eternity.

To the best of our feeble faith, we place our trust in You and seek your guidance and protection through this storm of fear and danger. You are our only sure refuge and mighty fortress in Whom we can trust. Our hope is well-grounded in the history of lives lived in commitment to you through the crises of previous generations. Let us take up the mantle of faith and wear it with confidence that enables us to stand strong and live wisely. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Click here to read Julia’s companion article to this prayer.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Barb Dunn

    Julia, thank you so much!

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