sad lonely businessman on a hillside
Picture of Julia S. Ledford

Julia S. Ledford

Praying in God’s Image

Prayer Focus: To live out the Image of God in our lives, for the good of the world.

What will it take, Lord? The world is in such dire need of awakening and re-direction. So much has already been done throughout biblical and ecclesiastical history. Abraham moved to a new land to uphold belief in One True God. Moses met you before a burning bush and heard your self-disclosure as “I AM WHO I AM.” Moses drew strength to obey you, brought the Ten Commandments to the Israelites and led them out of oppression into new life. Prophets spoke for God, revealing a God of mercy and forgiveness, justice and hope.

Jesus came from the God-head into our broken world, not to condemn the world, but to save the world. His life, ministry of healing and teaching, atoning sacrifice for our sins and mighty Resurrection have blessed the world with the assurance of forgiveness and eternal life. New Testament witnesses to the Gospel left us rich scripture to anchor our faith, enliven our hope and ground us in love. Great hymns have been composed and books have been written to declare the glory of God and His Love for the world. The Church has been planted from sea to sea, testifying to your presence, your call, and your promises. Evangelists, missionaries, pastors and believers commit themselves to spreading the Good News as they go, day by day.

Countless faithful followers have come across the scenes of history and entered into the great “cloud of witnesses” on the Eternal shore. In our times and collective memories, we have mourned the passing and celebrated the legacies of spiritual giants such as Billy Graham, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., Deitrich Bonhoeffer, Henri Nouwen, Dallas Willard—and the list is endless.

Much good has been done and still we labor in a broken world where there is unfathomable misery, where little children even attack other children like a pack of dogs. How can this be? Has the Gospel not been shared? Have we not heard? Have we not listened?

Lord, the lyrics of the famous “Coca Cola song” come to my mind: “I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.” Where do we start, Lord? What can we do in our day to relieve the world of its burden of pain, fear, hatred and violence? Who can speak up, step up, reach out and make a difference? Give us the courage to be the one or to support the ones who do it best.

Remind us again of your name, Lord, as You revealed it to Moses—I AM WHO I AM.  We cannot say your name without reflecting our own state—“I am.” In calling your name, we give witness to our created state in your Image. We can say “I am” because we are created to reflect your likeness. Let us begin there, Lord, and grow into your Image of Love day by day. Let us take care to make every word and every action count, to bless the world as we go—like the many witnesses who have gone before us.

Let us join our lives with the believers of all the ages who lived out your Image in their lives. Let us sing, preach, write, rejoice, hope, love, care, forgive, help—no matter what the cost or outcome—until others catch on and join in. Amen.

I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing
Words and Music by Bill Backer, Roquel Davis, Roger Cook and Roger Greenaway
© 1971, 1972 (Copyrights Renewed) SHADA MUSIC, INC.

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