Hands reaching out from ocean
Picture of Julia S. Ledford

Julia S. Ledford

Prayer of the Week 5/1/19

"Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour.
Father, glorify your name!”

John 12:27-28 (NIV)

Father, what a glorious Name by which to know you and call upon you. In the teachings of Jesus, we learn of your Divine Love as our Father in Heaven. We worship you as our Perfect Heavenly Father, perfect in Power, Wisdom and Love—the source of all earthly love, wisdom and strength of character. We seek you as your children—children of creation, children of redemption, children of eternal love, children of purpose.

We have been drawn to you through Christ as we have come to know Him in our souls, through the scriptures, in the church, by the witness and example of those who have followed Him and who walk alongside us in our journey of life. His prayers, sermons, actions and compassion touch us deeply.

We identify with prayers that begin, “Now my soul is troubled.” We identify with the Son of Man who knows our pain, for our souls are troubled at times, too. Many of us face situations, issues, times that are troubling and that we would rather escape. There is much from which we shrink and would wish to be delivered. We live in a world that is always a mix of joy and pain, but which seems to be broiling in turmoil more often than not in every spot in our times.

So, we are drawn to the One who faced the cross with only your purpose and glory in mind. We are lifted to a higher vision by the example of Jesus who turned aside from self-preservation and self-interest to pray, not ‘save me,’ but glorify Thy name. Teach us how to find your purpose in all our experiences. Lead us to understand the revelation of your glory, to hear and understand your voice, believe your presence and trust your guidance.

Lead us to face our struggles and fears with a self-less, rather than self-focused, perspective. Help us find in all our hours of darkness the encouraging light of your truth shining on our path. Guide us to see as Jesus saw, hear as he heard and live as He and only He can empower us to live in the Spirit.

Enable us to see the light and draw ever closer to the way of Christ. Wherever there is a ray of love and hope and joy, remind us to turn in that direction. Wherever there is opportunity for forgiveness and reconciliation, nudge us to turn in that direction. Wherever there is opportunity for righteous choices, wise plans, caring actions, empower us walk in the light.

Wherever there is need for peace, help us to be peacemakers. Wherever there is darkness, help us to be light-bearers. Help us to so live in the light of your love, truth and wisdom that the darkness finds its judgment and flees.

May we find in your cross always the beacon of truth to light our way. For all those who struggle throughout the world today, feeling hopeless and alone, we pray that the light of Christ will fall upon their path and light their way.

We pray in the name that is above all names, the name of Jesus, the Light of the World. Amen.

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