Heart shadow on open Bible
Picture of Julia S. Ledford

Julia S. Ledford

Prayer of the Week 2/20/19

For this is the message you have heard from the beginning,
that we should love one another.

Little children, let us love, not in word or speech,
but in truth and action.

I John 3:11,18 (NRSV)

New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.

From the earliest times of human experience, hatred has been a problem. It disrupts lives, families, health, emotional and mental stability, schools, businesses, careers, even government—and feeds news reports every day throughout the world.

This is not God’s will for His creation. As the Psalmist said, “We are His people and the sheep of His pasture” (Psalm 95:7). We are to follow His leadership and fulfill His plan for humanity. We are to love and make the world a better place.

Let us pray that it will begin with us….

Lord, God of Glory and God who is Love—whose love is divine, righteous, clean, pure and sacrificial….

We come to scripture to hear a word from you today, and the word we hear is Love—love that you call forth from us—because you have first loved us. We remember the great apostle Paul said that faith, hope and love will remain forever—but that Love is the greatest. Of all that abides for eternity, Love is the greatest. Of all that we can say or do in life, Love is the greatest. Of all that we can think or write, Love is the greatest.

Yet, we fall so far short in too many instances. We allow jealousies and prejudices to reign in our hearts rather than love. We foster gossip and rumors rather than love. We hold grudges without ceasing rather than releasing, forgiving, and blessing in love. We hasten to quick judgment rather than to the patience of love. We dismiss and shun rather than accepting and welcoming one another with our weaknesses and our mistakes.

Forgive us, Lord, for we know not what we do—and we do what we want to do even when we know what you want us to do. Perhaps the hardest truth to recognize and take hold of is that we love others to the same degree that we love you. And when we withhold love from others, we withhold it from you. It’s not just that we love others less than we should—the underlying problem is that we love you less than we should.

Forgive our foolish thoughts and ways. Cleanse our minds and hearts. Reveal your love to us with such intensity that we will love in return—both you and one another. Keep us mindful of the cross and that true love is measured in its capacity to sacrifice all for the one who is loved. Remind us moment by moment that you have loved us to that degree. May we never forget.

In Jesus Name, we pray for Love to abide forever with us, in us and through us. Amen.

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